Protection Against the Variants

Wicker’s Health Rant

Real Prevention Against the Variants 

Okay Gang — You’ve had your shots, maybe even your booster. Do you think that’s going to keep you coronavirus free? Not with the way that new variations of this and other viruses are and will be developing. While conventional medicine and the avaricious Pharmaceutical industry suggests that we can vaccinate ourselves out of these viruses, the real answer is the same that it’s always been — we need to keep a strong immune system. We have to take responsibility for our own health and realize that, as much as we want it, there is no magic bullet (or pill, or vaccine) that will keep us safe from everything.

Sure, you were extremely wise to get the first jabs, especially if you are frail elderly, overweight, diabetic, immunocompromised, or have other vulnerabilities, since those vaccines have ameliorated the severity of the infections and no doubt saved millions around the world from serious illness and death. However, this virus is always mutating, and new viruses will enter the scene in the future. The first vaccines and subsequent boosters just can’t keep up…just like they can’t keep up with the different kinds of flu that arise each year. 

To protect yourself from serious infection in the future start with having your Vitamin D level checked. You need to be between 40 and 70 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL). Most Americans are deficient. There have been scores of studies around the world about the efficacy of adequate D levels against the worst of Covid-19…studies that have proven that the lower one’s Vitamin D level, the greater the severity of one’s illness. One of the most reassuring studies shows that people who became ill and had a D level of 30 ng/mL and above rarely succumbed to the infection and recovered much faster, while those with low D levels generally didn’t survive. Dr. Fauci hasn’t told you this, to his everlasting shame.

If your health provider doesn’t check for D levels, even on request, Google Vitamin D tests and get it done at home. Until you do that, taking between 2,000 and 4,000 iu a day of Vitamin D3 will be safe. But until you’re tested you won’t know how much you really need to get your D up to safe levels. You might look for a product that contains both D3 and Vitamin K2 (MK-7 form) for most effective absorption. Magnesium is a must for everybody — 500 mg a day at least — and particularly important with D3.

Additionally take 500 to 1,000 mg of Vitamin C a day, and more for a few days if you feel you’re coming down with something. The great companion to this is Zinc, between 25 and 35 mg a day. There is a natural product called Quercetin that works with Zinc that you can take prophylactically or keep on hand until you think you have an infection coming on. The same with another natural product called L-lysine.

OK, what else? Work on getting seven or eight hours of quality sleep a night. Hydrate enough that your urine is colorless or a really pale yellow. Drink a couple cups of organic green tea a day. Get out and exercise somehow — physical exercise is a key determinate of strong immunity.

And, finally, stop drinking soda pop, both regular and diet, as well as any other sugary drinks. Don’t eat fast food…or even a lot of restaurant cooking; avoid fried food; don’t buy processed food/baked goods/meat; don’t cook with or buy products made with “seed oils” such as canola, soybean, corn, sunflower, safflower — use unrefined coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil instead. Choose a good multi-grain or sourdough bread over the white stuff. Start using fruit and vegetables as the new staple of your home cooking; same with organic eggs, milk and butter. And use 100% grass-fed beef, wild caught Alaska salmon, and organic chicken to compliment your meals, not as the main component. Study this stuff: Learn to eat to live, not live to eat.

Then relax, you and your immune system will be a match for the next bad stuff that floats around.

Caitlin Wicker