Carrot-Spirulina Recipe

By Twain Yobra

Carrots can greatly improve your health. They contain lots of nutrients including, vitamin K, vitamin B8, folate, potassium, beta carotene, iron, copper, manganese, vitamin A, and vitamin C. Numerous studies show that these nutrients can fight diseases and boost overall health.

But before I show you how to make carrot-spirulina, here are different cancers carrots have been proven to fight.

Fight lung cancer: According to this study, smokers who don’t eat carrots regularly have 3 times higher risk of lung cancer compared to smokers who eat carrots more than once a week.

Prevent leukemia: Research shows that carrots can fight leukemia. In one study researchers found that carrot juice has bioactive compounds that can treat leukemia.

Prostate cancer: According to Harvard health, beta carotene, a compound found in carrots, can lower risk of prostate cancer by 32 percent. But realize that this only applies to men with low levels of beta-carotene in their blood.

Colorectal cancer: Research shows that beta-carotene intake is directly related to colorectal cancer. Those who consume beta-carotene have a lower risk of colorectal cancer.

But the benefits of carrots don’t end there. As you may know, carrots are good for your eyesight.

Improve your vision

Carrots contain vitamin A which plays a vital role in improving eye health. A combination of vitamin A and beta carotene can help fix bad eyesight. In fact, your vision can improve instantly after eating carrots if you have vitamin A deficiency.

Carrots have also been proven to have anti-aging effects, boost the immune system, and regulate blood sugar levels.

You’ll even get more benefits when you mix carrots with spirulina. Here are a few benefits of spirulina.

This powder is a nutritional powerhouse. It’s high in amino acids, protein, antioxidants, B-vitamins, and other nutrients. It has been proven to: remove (detox) heavy metals, fight candida, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and enhance weight loss.

Carrot-Spirulina Recipe


  • ½ tablespoon of spirulina
  • A handful of shredded mint leaves
  • 4 raw organic carrots

How to prepare

Put all ingredients in a blender and add water

Blend until the mixture is smooth. And enjoy.

(Wicker's Note: To this recipe I plan to add about a half teaspoon of powdered ginger, maybe a bit more according to taste. Instead of ordinary water I plan to use coconut water or organic coconut milk. For more power to grind this all up we'll use our NutriBullet extractor []. Many quick and easy-to-make recipes come with the machine so you'll find all kinds of ways to increase your intake of veggies and fruits. You can buy them all over the place too, and the two lower-priced models will be fine for most of you. Spirulina is an algae-based super food that comes in powder form as well as in tablet and liquid. The powder is easy to use in this recipe.  P.S. - Be sure to use organic carrots! Cut each carrot into smaller pieces to fit in the extractor or blender for better grinding dynamics. You only need to drink this one or two times a week...there are plenty of other recipes incorporating different fruits and vegetables that provide your body with a balance of nutrients. Variety is good.)

Caitlin Wicker